
This app helps bus riders find schedules and real-time arrival information for all DDOT routes and bus stops.

You can browse routes, look up a bus stop, or find service near your current location.

Key features

  • Bookmarkable pages: Each route and bus stop has a unique URL that looks like ../route/(number) or ../stop/(stop ID) so that you can navigate directly to the info you need
  • Time awareness: Features like the bus schedule display service information based on the current time and day of the week, so if you open this page on a Tuesday you'll see the Weekday schedule by default


Where does the data come from?

This app uses DDOT's GTFS data (available here; learn more about the GTFS format here) and the DDOT realtime bus API (more details on that soon).


This app is developed by the Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT) at the city of Detroit.

You can find the code for this app in this GitHub repository.

Find a bug or have an idea for improvements? Please leave a note on our feedback form.